Thursday, March 23, 2006


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

sdfgsdfgd Posted by Hello

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Last Post

Well it has been fun. At least I got to try something new. I know that I would have been a good railroader. Met many a great person while doing it. Any new hires reading this should be encouraged to FOLLOW THE RULES ALL THE WAY NO MATTER WHAT OLD HANDS DO. NEVER GET IN A HURRY. GO SLOW MAKE DOUGH. Good luck everyone. My goal now is to be doing better in 10 years than what I would be doing in the railroad. It would have been a great job but now I will actually have to work, haha. Come on, the railroading job is the easiest work most everyone will do. I won't ever say it is being way over paid, but everyone knows it is. I did more work last week in the truck than 2 months in the railroad and truck driving is the 2nd easiest job that I have ever had. Stay with it you all.

A picture of a UP train haulin ass across the Salt Flats. Got my last check from the railroad. Took home 2300. Worked as a brakeman those last weeks. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

All done

Derailed a train by not locking a switch with the padlock.  Back to trucking.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Lots of time at home

Well, I have only worked 2 days this week on the brakeman - switchmans extra board. Getting paid for working full time though. I have a link to my cell phone picture blog off my main blog. You can find the link to that blog off the profile that is on this page. Scroll all the way down after you click on my profile. Work is going super. I must say that it is the easiest job I have done. I can navigate the train all over the yard at night now.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Mindy took a picture of me before I went to work. Wearing my new railroader coveralls but that safety vest is covering them up. Posted by Hello

Roller coaster... Posted by Hello

Pulling back in to Pocatello. Posted by Hello

Not meant to be a scenic picture, just one from my perspective. Posted by Hello

Me pulling out of the sidings at Minidoka Idaho. Posted by Hello

Guess where I took this from. Gosh it feels good not to be trucking anymore. Worked 13 hour shifts on Monday and Tuesday. 2100 - 1000. Feels good to be able to collect overtime for the first time in my life. Almost everyone I have met and worked with at UPhas been a good time. Last night the conductor babysitting me had 38 years on the job. You can sure learn alot from these old heads. I learned more in the last two nights than 3 weeks of class. I guess learn is not the proper wording, I should say that alot of what I learned in class was clarified. Getting ready to head out again at 2100. Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Mr. Wilson, Fred and Mr. Wilson's wife. Mr. Wilson is the head honcho. I have never met a manager who would shoot the breeze with so many of employees. I just hope never to see him pissed off in his office over the next few years. Posted by Hello

Saturday was the last day of trainmen class. We then went to the O.K. Ward Park for a Union Pacific Employee party. These are two of my instructors. Both are wonderful guys and instructors. Fred has a twisted sense of humor like myself. I made 5x7's of this picture and gave them each one before they flew out. I woke Fred up Saturday night at 10:30. He told my wife at the party. "I am so glad you married down to keep guys like Brandon off the street" One funny dude,lol. Posted by Hello